“Jesus I know, but who are you?”

Jesus is well known and accepted in American pop culture. The challenge is not for Christians to teach more about him, but to demonstrate that he is worthy of ordering our lives.

Going Small; Earning Trust

Rather than despair when the church is losing its cultural credibility, Christians can look to build trust through relationships at the local level.

How We Honor and Overcome Our Stories

In a time when many Americans feel trapped, it is time to consider how we can honor our values while overcoming the false narratives that insist we keep doing what we always have.

The End of Evangelism in the Public Square?

Does the lack of comfort Christians and non-Christians alike have with inviting others to change their beliefs mean that evangelism as a practice is no longer possible in the United States? No. Does it mean that certain practices of evangelism should be retired, at least for this cultural moment? Absolutely yes.

Thoughts, Prayers, and Verifiable Metrics

Prayer is not in place of actions that can be tracked with verifiable metrics. It is to ask God to provide healing, hope, and peace where we cannot even as we steward all that we have in this world to make certain that these tragedies do not happen again.