Trends in American 4: No Alternatives

With all the problems that the people in the United States is facing, there is one more. It seems there are no alternatives for how to live differently. There is no political, social or economic change that will make things better. Even the church seems to have its hands tied. There are a lot of…

Trends in America 3: Disparity

In our last two posts, we have looked at the trends affecting people living in the United States. Our hope is that in reviewing these, we can more effectively reach out to Americans with the gospel because we are able to deal with the issue that are most affecting them. Two weeks ago, we saw…

Trends in America 2: Incivility

We are continuing our look at trends affecting people in the United States this week. Last week we saw that stress was reaching new heights for Americans, leading to more severe illnesses and higher mortality rates. This week we look at another issue that could likely be seen as a result of stress, but is…

Trends in America 1: Stress

Much of the data shared at church conferences focuses around how Americans are minimizing their relationship to the mainline denominations and are increasingly choosing to be unaffiliated religiously. This rightly deserves attention, however if we want to share the gospel effectively, this is not the data that we need to focus on most closely. People…

Death and Evangelism

Evangelists have long been known for impressing the fear of death and divine judgment into service for convincing people to accept Jesus Christ.


In 1985, the Coca-Cola Company decided to relaunch their flagship drink. With great marketing fanfare, they released New Coke, a sweeter version of the original formula they had sold for years. As it turned out, this was not such a good choice. While focus groups had suggested that the change would be a good one…