A Concrete Global Witness

The Christian Church has become an indispensable partner in caring for the poorest people in the world, even garnering the support of major international development organizations.

Europe Offers a Clearer View of US Divisions

At a recent conference I attended, a British presenter described the rapidly diminishing number of Christians in the UK. After doing so, he turned to the several Americans in the room and joked, “Don’t worry, though, you’ll be joining us soon!” The idea that Europe is a bellweather of religious adherence for the United States…

White Mainline Protestants: Doubly Out of Touch

The Pew Research Center’s typology study not only offers insight into the split world of white American evangelicalism. It also demonstrates that the mainline Protestant denominations are out of touch with the very people they think are their closest allies: liberals and Christians of color. Mainline denominations have been moving to the left both theologically…

Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Christian Practices for the Public Square

I have been covering meta-level issues so far in this blog, with some suggestions about how Christians might approach these at the ends of my articles. However, before going any further, I thought it would be helpful to pause and consider the different ways Christians can engage large cultural and social issues. As of 2010,…

Trends in American 4: No Alternatives

With all the problems that the people in the United States is facing, there is one more. It seems there are no alternatives for how to live differently. There is no political, social or economic change that will make things better. Even the church seems to have its hands tied. There are a lot of…

Death and Evangelism

Evangelists have long been known for impressing the fear of death and divine judgment into service for convincing people to accept Jesus Christ.


In 1985, the Coca-Cola Company decided to relaunch their flagship drink. With great marketing fanfare, they released New Coke, a sweeter version of the original formula they had sold for years. As it turned out, this was not such a good choice. While focus groups had suggested that the change would be a good one…